Out of the ashes of The Vrill come Skinny Milk…Experimental is a rare concept these days – but Skinny Milk have nailed it.

Skinny Milk are a two-piece consisting of Johnny Hart on bass and Tim Cox on drums.

Yes – a two-piece! White Stripes on acid? Possibly.

They’ve been playing in various incarnations over the years with punk to indie sets in their repertoire and this latest sound (born from a lack of live gigs for their last band) is something the boys NEEDED to play.

Necessity being the good old mother of invention – a new sound has been invented.

Skinny Milk look like rock stars (always a good start) and having been gigging for a few years already they also look completely at home on stage. Cue fuzzed out, almost progressive rock sounding bass, with effects a-go-go doubled up through a beautiful white Vox speaker combo.

There’s a wall of sound straight off – Tim is an exceptionally good drummer and when he kicks in suddenly the room is filled with an (almost) white noise which manages somehow to be simultaneously noisy and beautifully melodic. There is something genuinely hypnotic about the sound, and suddenly the room fills, drawn in by throbbing music.

People are moving around trance-like, and this is only the band’s first live gig! Things are looking good. Bass and drums rumble together and by the end of the set everyone in the room is hooked. Two encores at their first gig says it all – look out for this dynamic duo- they’ve hit on something new here.


Photo courtesy of Jay Dillamore (DreamKind)

South Coast Brighton/ LA link up – Skinny Milk

